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docs/tocopy.txt File Reference

Detailed Description

~~~~ cd /lustre/scratch/atchekho/runcopy

which=4 ; for fil in cat ~/dirs$which.txt ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > ~/fieldlinepluslistdirs$which.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -b +500 -I ~/fieldlinepluslistdirs$which.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done

~/bin/bbcp -z -s 20 -b +200 -a -k -f -r -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' thickdisk3.opq thickdiskr3.xyz tg802.nosp@m.609@.nosp@m.ranch.nosp@m..tac.nosp@m.c.ute.nosp@m.xas..nosp@m.edu:

#on ranch (getting new QB toroidal runs (nothing from kraken yet)):

echo "thickdisk3.lmn thickdisk17.ijk thickdiskr3.stuv thickdisk15r.abc thickdisk10.pqrs thickdisk10.tuv thickdisk3.opq thickdisk17.lmn thickdiskr3.xyz thickdisk15r.def" > dirs.txt #echo "thickdisk17.ijk thickdiskr3.stuv thickdisk15r.abc thickdisk10.pqrs thickdisk10.tuv thickdisk3.opq thickdisk17.lmn thickdiskr3.xyz thickdisk15r.def" > $fildirsnew

rm -rf fieldlinepluslistdirs.txt for thedir in cat dirs.txt ; do echo $thedir ; find $thedir ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" -o -name "coordparms" -o -name "nprlist" ) -print >> fieldlinepluslistdirs.txt ; done

for fil in fieldlinepluslistdirs.txt ; do stage $fil ; done

~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -s 20 -z -b +500 -I fieldlinepluslistdirs.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/

#(repeat if fails. Should take a bit and then ask password).

from kraken (sasha stuff) to ki-jmck

alias ls='ls' cd /lustre/scratch/jmckinne/ #fil=~/dirs.txt fildirs=dirsnew.txt bdir=pwd/lists/ #ls | egrep 'thickdisk*|rtf*' > $fildirs ls | egrep 'rtf*' > $fildirs for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I $bdir/list$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done

from kraken (jmckinne) to ranch:

alias ls='ls' cd /lustre/scratch/jmckinne/ mydirlist=ls -rt | egrep 'thickdisk*' ~/bin/bbcp -z -s 20 -b +500 -a -k -f -r -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' $mydirlist tg802.nosp@m.609@.nosp@m.ranch.nosp@m..tac.nosp@m.c.ute.nosp@m.xas..nosp@m.edu:

#NEW (from docopy.sh):

from kraken (jmckinne) to ranch:

alias ls='ls' cd /lustre/scratch/jmckinne/ #mydirlist=ls -aprt | grep / | sed "s/\\///" | egrep 'thickdisk*' mydirlist=ls -aprt | grep / | sed "s/\\///" | egrep 'thickdiskhr3' mydirlist2=ls -aprt | grep / | sed "s/\\///" | egrep 'thickdisk3' #mydirlist2=ls -aprt | grep / | sed "s/\\///" | egrep 'runlocaldipole3dfiducial*' finaldirlist="$mydirlist $mydirlist2" #finaldirlist="$mydirlist" for thedir in $finaldirlist do

~/bin/bbcp -z -s 20 -b +500 -a -k -f -r -P 5 -V -l stderr.$thedir -T 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' $thedir tg802.nosp@m.609@.nosp@m.ranch.nosp@m..tac.nosp@m.c.ute.nosp@m.xas..nosp@m.edu:


from kraken (rblandfo) to ranch:

alias ls='ls' cd /lustre/scratch/rblandfo/ mydirlist=ls -rt | egrep 'thickdisk*' ~/bin/bbcp -z -s 20 -b +500 -a -k -f -r -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' $mydirlist tg802.nosp@m.609@.nosp@m.ranch.nosp@m..tac.nosp@m.c.ute.nosp@m.xas..nosp@m.edu:

for fil in fieldlinepluslistdirs.txt ; do stage $fil ; done

from ranch (thickdisk except thickdisk7) to ki-jmck

alias ls='ls' cd ~ fildirs=dirsnewfull.txt bdir=pwd/listsfull/ mkdir $bdir #ls | egrep 'thickdisk*|rtf*' > $fildirs alias lsdir='ls -lrt | egrep "^d"' alias lssdir='ls -prt | grep / | sed "s/\///"' alias lssdir2='ls -prt | grep / | tail -n +3 | sed "s/\///"' diit=lssdir | grep -v thickdisk7 | grep -v blob | grep -v bbcp | grep -v bin | grep -v lists echo $diit > $fildirs

for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; for god in $bdir/list$fil.txt; do stage $god ; done ; cd $dirorig ; done

for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I $bdir/list$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done

######### recover thickdisk8

fil=thickdisk8 rm -rf ~/thickdisk8.list.txt export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > ~/thickdisk8.list.txt ; for god in cat ~/thickdisk8.list.txt ; do stage $god ; done ; cd $dirorig

export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > ~/thickdisk8.list.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I ~/thickdisk8.list.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig

######### recover thickdisk9a (was thickdisk9)

fil=thickdisk9a rm -rf ~/thickdisk9a.list.txt export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > ~/thickdisk9a.list.txt ; for god in cat ~/thickdisk9a.list.txt ; do stage $god ; done ; cd $dirorig

export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > ~/thickdisk9a.list.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I ~/thickdisk9a.list.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig

######### only thickdisk3 and thickdiskhr3 that simulated further

from ranch (thickdisk except thickdisk7) to ki-jmck

alias ls='ls' cd ~ fildirs=dirsnewfull.txt bdir=pwd/listsfull/ mkdir $bdir #ls | egrep 'thickdisk*|rtf*' > $fildirs alias lsdir='ls -lrt | egrep "^d"' alias lssdir='ls -prt | grep / | sed "s/\///"' alias lssdir2='ls -prt | grep / | tail -n +3 | sed "s/\///"' diit1=lssdir | grep thickdisk3 diit2=lssdir | grep thickdiskhr3 echo $diit1 > $fildirs echo $diit2 >> $fildirs

for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/liststage$fil.txt ; for god in cat $bdir/liststage$fil.txt; do stage $god ; done ; cd $dirorig ; done

for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/listcopy$fil.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I $bdir/listcopy$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done

from kraken directly (thickdisk except thickdisk7) to ki-jmck

alias ls='ls' cd /lustre/scratch/jmckinne/ fildirs=dirsnewfull.txt bdir=pwd/listsfull/ mkdir $bdir #ls | egrep 'thickdisk*|rtf*' > $fildirs alias lsdir='ls -lrt | egrep "^d"' alias lssdir='ls -prt | grep / | sed "s/\///"' alias lssdir2='ls -prt | grep / | tail -n +3 | sed "s/\///"' #diit1=lssdir | grep thickdisk3 #diit2=lssdir | grep thickdiskhr3 #echo $diit1 > $fildirs #echo $diit2 >> $fildirs diit=lssdir | egrep 'thickdisk*' echo $diit >> $fildirs

for fil in cat $fildirs do echo $fil export dirorig=pwd cd $fil/dumps/ find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/listcopy$fil.txt ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/ ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -l $dirorig/stderr.$fil -I $bdir/listcopy$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data2/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ cd $dirorig done

from nautilus directly (sasha data)

alias ls='ls' cd /lustre/medusa/jmckinne/ fildirs=dirsnewfull.txt bdir=pwd/listsfull/ mkdir $bdir #ls | egrep 'thickdisk*|rtf*' > $fildirs alias lsdir='ls -lrt | egrep "^d"' alias lssdir='ls -prt | grep / | sed "s/\///"' alias lssdir2='ls -prt | grep / | tail -n +3 | sed "s/\///"' #diit1=lssdir | grep thickdisk3 #diit2=lssdir | grep thickdiskhr3 #echo $diit1 > $fildirs #echo $diit2 >> $fildirs #diit=lssdir | egrep 'thickdisk*' #diit=rtf2_20r62.5_a0.9_0_0_0_betatrue50_ny64_r0g200 #diit='rtf2_20r62.5_a0.9_0_0_0_betatrue50_ny64_r0g200 rtf2_15r34.475_a0.5_0_0_0_newdiagnau rtf2_15r35_a0.2_0_0_0_newdiagnau rtf2_15r35.64_a-0.2_0_0_0' diit='rtf2_15r35.64_a-0.2_0_0_0' echo $diit > $fildirs

for fil in cat $fildirs do echo $fil export dirorig=pwd cd $fil/dumps/ find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/listcopy$fil.txt ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data1/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data1/jmckinne/$fil/ # ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -l $dirorig/stderr.$fil -I $bdir/listcopy$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data1/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ # #~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -l $dirorig/stderr.$fil -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' fieldline*.bin jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data1/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ # cd $dirorig done

from ranch (thickdisk7 only to data1 on ki-jmck)

cd ~ fildirs=dirsnew7.txt bdir=pwd/lists7/ mkdir $bdir alias ls='ls' alias lsdir='ls -lrt | egrep "^d"' alias lssdir='ls -prt | grep / | sed "s/\///"' alias lssdir2='ls -prt | grep / | tail -n +3 | sed "s/\///"' diit=lssdir | grep thickdisk7 echo $diit > $fildirs

for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; for god in cat $bdir/list$fil.txt ; do stage $god ; done ; cd $dirorig ; done

for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data1/jmckinne/thickdisk7/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data1/jmckinne/thickdisk7/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I $bdir/list$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data1/jmckinne/thickdisk7/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done

from kraken directly (thickdisk7 only to data1 on ki-jmck)

from kraken directly (thickdisk7 only to data1 on ki-jmck)

cd /lustre/scratch/rblandfo/ fildirs=dirsnew7.txt bdir=pwd/lists7/ mkdir $bdir alias ls='ls' alias lsdir='ls -lrt | egrep "^d"' alias lssdir='ls -prt | grep / | sed "s/\///"' alias lssdir2='ls -prt | grep / | tail -n +3 | sed "s/\///"' diit=lssdir | grep thickdisk7 echo $diit > $fildirs

####for fil in cat $fildirs

do echo $fil export dirorig=pwd cd $fil/dumps/ find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du "mkdir -p /data1/jmckinne/thickdisk7/$fil/dumps/" scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data1/jmckinne/thickdisk7/$fil/ ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -l $dirorig/stderr.$fil -I $bdir/list$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:/data1/jmckinne/thickdisk7/$fil/dumps/ cd $dirorig done

from orange to ki-jmck

mydirlist=ls ~/bin/bbcp -z -s 20 -b +500 -a -k -f -r -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' $mydirlist jmckinne-jmck:/data1/jmckinne/from_lustre_orange/

from ki-jmck orange

cd /data1/jmckinne/thickdisk7/dumps/ ~/bin/bbcp -z -s 20 -b +500 -a -k -f -r -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oConnectTimeout=0 -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' fieldline*.bin gdump.bin dump0000.bin jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:/lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/thickdisk7/dumps/


from ki-jmck to orange

alias ls='ls' cd /data2/jmckinne/ fildirs=dirsnew.txt bdir=pwd/lists/ mkdir -p $bdir ls | egrep 'thickdisk7*' > $fildirs #echo "thickdisk7" > $fildirs for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u "mkdir -p /lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:/lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I $bdir/list$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:/lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done


alias ls='ls' ; cd /data2/jmckinne/ ; fildirs=dirsnew.txt ; bdir=pwd/lists/ ; mkdir -p $bdir ; echo "sasha99" > $fildirs ; for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u "mkdir -p /lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:/lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I $bdir/list$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:/lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done

thickdisk7-like runs at different spins to check fft changes with spin

from ki-jmck to orange

alias ls='ls' cd /data2/jmckinne/ fildirs=dirsnew.txt bdir=pwd/lists/ #destdir=/lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/ destdir=/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki14/jmckinne/ mkdir -p $bdir #ls | egrep 'thickdisk*|rtf*' > $fildirs echo "thickdiskr1 thickdiskr2" > $fildirs for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u "mkdir -p $destdir/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:$destdir/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I $bdir/list$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:$destdir/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done

thickdisk3 run may show rotational vortex and lowF-QPO

from ki-jmck to orange

alias ls='ls' cd /data2/jmckinne/ fildirs=dirsnewtd3.txt bdir=pwd/liststd3/ #destdir=/lustre/ki/orange/jmckinne/ destdir=/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki14/jmckinne/ mkdir -p $bdir #ls | egrep 'thickdisk*|rtf*' > $fildirs echo "thickdisk3" > $fildirs for fil in cat $fildirs ; do echo $fil ; export dirorig=pwd ; cd $fil/dumps/ ; find . ( -name "fieldline*.bin" -o -name "dump0000.bin" -o -name "rdump-0.bin" -o -name "gdump.bin" ) -print > $bdir/list$fil.txt ; ssh jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u "mkdir -p $destdir/$fil/dumps/" ; scp ../npr* ../coord* jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:$destdir/$fil/ ; ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -z -s 20 -b +500 -I $bdir/list$fil.txt -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.orang.nosp@m.e.sl.nosp@m.ac.st.nosp@m.anfo.nosp@m.rd.ed.nosp@m.u:$destdir/$fil/dumps/ ; cd $dirorig ; done

thickdisk3 run may show rotational vortex and lowF-QPO

from ki-jmck to orange sitting on orange

sourcedir=/data2/jmckinne/thickdisk3/dumps/ destdir=/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki14/jmckinne/ cd $destdir ~/bin/bbcp -a -k -f -p -r -s 20 -b +500 -P 5 -V -T 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' -S 'ssh -x -a -oFallBackToRsh=no I -l U H ~/bin/bbcp' jmcki.nosp@m.nne@.nosp@m.ki-jm.nosp@m.ck.s.nosp@m.lac.s.nosp@m.tanf.nosp@m.ord.e.nosp@m.du:$sourcedir/fieldline*.bin .


cd ~/ cd ~/thickdiskr3 sleep sh krakenrestartsustain_thickdisk.sh 2 tr3 thickdiskr3 nexth nexti

cd ~/thickdisk3 sleep 27000 sh krakenrestartsustain_thickdisk.sh 2 t3 thickdisk3 x y

cd ~/thickdisk10 sleep 57600 sh krakenrestartsustain_thickdisk.sh 2 t10 thickdisk10 nextd nexte

cd ~/thickdisk15r sleep 2400 sh krakenrestartsustain_thickdisk.sh 2 t15r thickdisk15r l m cd ~


cd ~/ ; cd thickdisk17 ; sleep 58800 ; sh krakenrestartsustain_thickdisk.sh 2 t17 thickdisk17 v w

cd ~/ ; cd thickdisk7 ; sleep 50400 ; sh krakenrestartsustain_thickdisk.sh 2 t7 thickdisk7 nextnextj nextnextk

TO TRANSFER: 1) ensure new rtf's are completely transferred 2) Transfer new batch of thickdisk stuff to ki-jmck that was put onto ranch

ls -alrt rdump* | tail -10 head -1 rdump-0.bin > rdump-0.bin.head tail -n +2 rdump-0.bin > rdump-0.bin.data emacs rdump-0.bin.head mv rdump-0.bin rdump-0.bin.orig cat rdump-0.bin.head rdump-0.bin.data > rdump-0.bin

QB:(NOT YET) Ranch: (DONE)

mv thickdisk15r.abc thickdiskr15.abc mv thickdisk15r.def thickdiskr15.def

Kraken:(DONE) Ranch: (DONE)

mv thickdisk15rg thickdiskr15g mv thickdisk15rh thickdiskr15h mv thickdisk15ri thickdiskr15i mv thickdisk15rj thickdiskr15j mv thickdisk15rk thickdiskr15k mv thickdisk15rl thickdiskr15l mv thickdisk15rm thickdiskr15m mv thickdisk15rn thickdiskr15n mv thickdisk15ro thickdiskr15o mv thickdisk15rp thickdiskr15p mv thickdisk15rq thickdiskr15q mv thickdisk15rr thickdiskr15r mv thickdisk15rs thickdiskr15s mv thickdisk15rt thickdiskr15t mv thickdisk15ru thickdiskr15u mv thickdisk15rv thickdiskr15v mv thickdisk15rw thickdiskr15w

Kraken: DONE Ranch: (DONE)

mv thickdisk33start thickdiskhr3start mv thickdisk33a thickdiskhr3a mv thickdisk33b thickdiskhr3b mv thickdisk33c thickdiskhr3c mv thickdisk33d thickdiskhr3d mv thickdisk33e thickdiskhr3e mv thickdisk33f thickdiskhr3f mv thickdisk33g thickdiskhr3g mv thickdisk33h thickdiskhr3h mv thickdisk33i thickdiskhr3i mv thickdisk33j thickdiskhr3j mv thickdisk33k thickdiskhr3k mv thickdisk33l thickdiskhr3l #mv thickdisk33m thickdiskhr3m # going on kraken (DONE ON ranch)

error: globus_xio: System error in read: Is a directory globus_xio: A system call failed: Is a directory Source: file:///lustre/scratch/jmckinne/ Dest: gsiftp://gridftp.ranch.tacc.xsede.org/home/01014/tg802609/ thickdiskr3nexti

globus-url-copy -vb -p 4 -stripe -tcp-bs 11M -r file:///lustre/ ~~~~

Definition in file tocopy.txt.