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docs/quick_start_guide/6.txt File Reference

Detailed Description

6) How to setup new problem
Version 3 Created by Jonathan M. on 05 Feb 2013. Previous Version
1) For example, copy existing problem to new problem code. Start in HARM directory tree and do:
cd initboundcode
cp init.fishmon.c init.subkep.c
cp init.fishmon.h init.subkep.h
cp bounds.fishmon.c bounds.subkep.c
2) Edit the new files. For changes in physics, focus on init.subkep.c . Look for the function init_dsandvels() to setup the initial density, u, v^i, and B^i. Look for init_vpot_user() and change the initial vector potential.
Note that for the fishmon code that $GM=c=1$.
3) Can add new problem by adding another WHICHPROBLEM type. Do this by introducing a new problem type (e.g.):
#define SUBKEP 3
4) Change #define WHICHPROBLEM to:
5) Anywhere you see "WHICHPROBLEM" identify if you want to do something new or just repeat the prior problem setup (e.g. just add ||WHICHPROBLEM==SUBKEP).
3) Redo the soft links to init.c, init.h, and bounds.c:
cd ..
rm -rf init.c init.h bounds.c
ln -s initboundcode/init.subkep.c init.c
ln -s initboundcode/init.subkep.h init.h
ln -s initboundcode/bounds.subkep.c bounds.c
4) Now follow directions in Quick Start Guide: Notebook #1 to compile and run code.

Definition in file 6.txt.