7) In SM look at basic output
Version 3 Created by Jonathan
M. on 05 Feb 2013. Previous Version
1) Enter run directory
2) Load SM and macros:
2) Read-in data file and grid file:
jrdp3du dump0000
grid3d gdump
3) Plot some things:
# log of rest-mass density:
plc 0 lrho
# log of internal energy density:
plc 0 lu
# radial 4-velocity in
# plot Lorentz factor w.r.t. grid
plc 0 uu0
image cursor
# then pick point on screen to get value of Lorentz factor
# Check theta 4-velocity:
image cursor
# then pick point on screen to get value
# plot 3-velocity magnitude (not really correct, just approximately correct):
set vcon3 = uu3/uu0
set vel3sq = vcon1*vcon1*gv311 + vcon2*vcon1*gv321 + vcon3*vcon1*gv331 +\
vcon1*vcon2*gv312 + vcon2*vcon2*gv322 + vcon3*vcon2*gv332 +\
vcon1*vcon3*gv313 + vcon2*vcon3*gv323 + vcon3*vcon3*gv333
plc 0 absv3
image cursor
# One can obtain the correct 3-velocity magnitude just by doing:
set absv3 = sqrt(1-1/(uu0*dxdxp00)**2)
plc 0 absv3
# So just be careful that things are computed exactly correctly. Sometimes the exactly correct expression may be easily obtained from existing diagnostics. In some cases exactly correct expressions may be more complicated.
Definition in file 7.txt.