Spatial Interpolation for fluxes based upon providing full 1D line information Instead of acting per point, this acts per line to improve memory efficiency. More...
#include "decs.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | LINETYPEDEFINESOTHER FTYPE a_youtpolycoef[1][1][1]; |
NPR2INTERP always larger than NPR, so can use one memory space for both c2e and others. More... | |
#define | GEN3MAC(numypl, pl, numywhich, which, numyi, i) (i + numyi*which + numyi*numywhich*pl) |
#define | GEN2MAC(numypl, pl, numyi, i) (i + numyi*pl) |
below for drho,dP,etai More... | |
#define | GEN1MAC(numyi, i) (i) |
below for shockindicator, stiffindicator, Pline, Vline, shift, minorder, maxorder More... | |
#define | YINOUTMAC(numypl, pl, numywhich, which, numyi, i) GEN3MAC(numypl,pl,numywhich,which,numyi,i) |
below to be used for yin, yout, yprim, ystencilvar that involve [NPR2INTERP][2][NBIGM] type arrays previously More... | |
For OpenMP must have different memory per thread, so why put inside parallel region However, allocating and deallocating these perijk() is very expensive, so moved back outside perijk() and pass related pointers. More... | |
NPR2INTERP always larger than NPR, so can use one memory space for both c2e and others OPENMPMARK: Must define pointers and shift them within parallel region! More... | |
shift pointers to account for boundary zones (similar to as in set_arrays.c) More... | |
Functions | |
static void | slope_lim_linetype_c2e_perijk_precomputeindicators (LINETYPEPOINTERSFUNCTIONDECLARE, int i, int j, int k, int realisinterp, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int nprlocalstart, int nprlocalend, int *nprlocallist, int numprims, int dir, int intdir, int is, int ie, int js, int je, int ks, int ke, int di, int dj, int dk, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int recontype, int doingweno, void(*pass_1d_line)(int whichquantity, int dir, int do_weight_or_recon, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift,FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM],FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*dP)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*monoindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*ystencilvar)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp), void(*pass_1d_line_multipl)(int MULTIPLTYPE, int whichquantity, int dir, int do_weight_or_recon, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift,FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM],FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NUMDFS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*dP)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NUMTRUEEOMSETS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*monoindicator)[NUMMONOINDICATORS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*ystecilvar)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[MAXSPACEORDER][NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp), int stencilvarisnull, int preforder, int whichreduce, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*primreal)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*stencilvar)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*p2interp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*pleft)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*pright)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP]) |
interior of main SUPERGENLOOP() inside slope_lim_linetype_c2e() More... | |
static void | slope_lim_linetype_c2e_perijk (LINETYPEPOINTERSFUNCTIONDECLARE, int i, int j, int k, int realisinterp, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int nprlocalstart, int nprlocalend, int *nprlocallist, int numprims, int dir, int intdir, int is, int ie, int js, int je, int ks, int ke, int di, int dj, int dk, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int recontype, int doingweno, void(*pass_1d_line)(int whichquantity, int dir, int do_weight_or_recon, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift,FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM],FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*dP)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*monoindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*ystencilvar)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp), void(*pass_1d_line_multipl)(int MULTIPLTYPE, int whichquantity, int dir, int do_weight_or_recon, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift,FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM],FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NUMDFS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*dP)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NUMTRUEEOMSETS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*monoindicator)[NUMMONOINDICATORS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*ystecilvar)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[MAXSPACEORDER][NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp), int stencilvarisnull, int preforder, int whichreduce, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*primreal)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*stencilvar)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*p2interp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*pleft)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*pright)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP]) |
interior of main SUPERGENLOOP() inside slope_lim_linetype_c2e() More... | |
static void | slope_lim_linetype_perijk (LINETYPEPOINTERSFUNCTIONDECLARE, int i, int j, int k, int realisinterp, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int nprlocalstart, int nprlocalend, int *nprlocallist, int numprims, int dir, int intdir, int is, int ie, int js, int je, int ks, int ke, int di, int dj, int dk, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int recontype, int doingweno, void(*pass_1d_line)(int whichquantity, int dir, int do_weight_or_recon, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift,FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM],FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*dP)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*monoindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*ystencilvar)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp), void(*pass_1d_line_multipl)(int MULTIPLTYPE, int whichquantity, int dir, int do_weight_or_recon, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift,FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM],FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NUMDFS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*dP)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NUMTRUEEOMSETS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*monoindicator)[NUMMONOINDICATORS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*ystecilvar)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[MAXSPACEORDER][NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp), int stencilvarisnull, int preforder, int whichreduce, int weightsplittype, int whichquantity, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*primreal)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*stencilvar)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*p2interpm)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*p2interpp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*pleft)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*pright)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR]) |
inside of SUPERGENLOOP() in slope_lim_linetype() More... | |
static void | assign_eno_result (int recontype, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*yout)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*result0)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*result1)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR]) |
Assign result of ENO operation to final array only care about how many outputs. More... | |
static void | get_1d_line_c2e_multipl (int whichquantity, int dir, int interporflux, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, FTYPE(*p2interp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
c2e needed functions More... | |
static void | get_1d_line_c2e (int dir, int interporflux, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, FTYPE(*p2interp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE *yin, struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
Get 1D line of data so can pass it to ENO scheme (used for c2e only) More... | |
static void | get_1d_line_shockarray (int dir, int interporflux, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, FTYPE(*shockarray)[NSTORE1][NSTORE2][NSTORE3], FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
Get 1D line of data so can pass it to ENO scheme. More... | |
static void | assign_eno_result_c2e_multipl (int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*yout)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*result0)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*result1)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP]) |
below for shock indicator used on quantities with NPR elements More... | |
static void | assign_eno_result_c2e (int recontype, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*yout)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*result0)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*result1)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP]) |
Assign result of ENO operation to final array for c2e. More... | |
static void | get_1d_line_c2e_gammaeffhydro (int dir, int interporflux, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*p2interp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE *yin, struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
below for an effective $^2$ of the flow (only hydro since does not include bsq!) SASMARK More... | |
static void | get_df_line_gen_new (int realisinterp, int doingweno, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int recontype, int dir, int whichreduce, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NUMDFS][NBIGM], FTYPE(**drhoptr)[NBIGM], FTYPE(**dPptr)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
interior _perijk() functions: More... | |
static void | get_df_line_paraline (int realisinterp, int doingweno, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int recontype, int dir, int whichreduce, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NUMDFS][NBIGM], FTYPE(**drhoptr)[NBIGM], FTYPE(**dPptr)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
wrapper for compute_df_line and can be used by both c2e and other methods More... | |
static int | compute_df_line (int doingweno, int interporflux, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE *yin, FTYPE(*df)[NBIGM]) |
real calculation. Gets derivatives of input function and passes this to various other function More... | |
static int | compute_df_line_paraline (int doingweno, int interporflux, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE *yin, FTYPE(*df)[NBIGM]) |
real calculation. More... | |
static int | compute_df_line_new (int doingweno, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int recontype, int dir, int whichreduce, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE *df, FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
returns the improved pressure jump indicators More... | |
static int | compute_df_line_formono (int doingweno, int interporflux, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE *yin, FTYPE(*df)[NBIGM]) |
Gets df and ddf for MONO if mono will use different yin than computed in above compute_df_line() function. More... | |
static void | get_1d_line (int dir, int interporflux, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, FTYPE(*p2interpm)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*p2interpp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*yin)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
Get 1D line of data so can pass it to ENO scheme. More... | |
static int | get_V_and_P (int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int dir, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*yrealin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
determine shock indicator (used for both c2e and other routines, only operates on quantities with NPR elements) More... | |
static int | get_shock_indicator (int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int dir, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
determine shock indicator (used for both c2e and other routines, only operates on quantities with NPR elements) More... | |
static int | get_contact_indicator (int realisinterp, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int dir, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NUMTRUEEOMSETS][NBIGM]) |
currently only sets density etai, rest are 0 GODMARK More... | |
static void | causal_shift_order (int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int dir, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int i, int j, int k, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, int *shift, int *minorder, int *maxorder) |
Figure out shifting of stencil and order of stencil to more closely match with causality (used for both c2e and other routines) More... | |
static void | set_preforder (int dir, int interporflux, int *preforder, int *whichreduce) |
sets preferred order based upon scheme and size of stencil More... | |
static int | get_recon_type (int interporflux) |
get type of reconstruction to perform More... | |
void | slope_lim_linetype_c2e (int realisinterp, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int dir, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*primreal)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*stencilvar)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*p2interp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*pleft)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], FTYPE(*pright)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP]) |
very similar to slope_lim_linetype, but different number of quantities to handle More... | |
void | slope_lim_linetype (int whichquantity, int interporflux, int dir, int idel, int jdel, int kdel, FTYPE(*primreal)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*stencilvar)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*p2interpm)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*p2interpp)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*pleft)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE(*pright)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR]) |
linetype assumed to return pleft/pright directly since linetype's are usually higher order this function used for primitive interpolation AND for flux interpolation stencil var can be NULL or some pointer. More... | |
static void | get_df_line_gen (int realisinterp, int doingweno, int whichprimtype, int interporflux, int recontype, int dir, int whichreduce, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NUMDFS][NBIGM], FTYPE(**drhoptr)[NBIGM], FTYPE(**dPptr)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator) |
wrapper for compute_df_line and can be used by both c2e and other methods whichprimtype==ENOPRIMITIVE -> NPR2INTERP type else NPR types More... | |
Variables | |
static void(* | pass_1d_line )(int whichquantity, int dir, int do_weight_or_recon, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int pl, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*dP)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*monoindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*ystencilvar)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
static void(* | pass_1d_line_multipl )(int MULTIPLTYPE, int whichquantity, int dir, int do_weight_or_recon, int recontype, int whichreduce, int preforder, int bs, int ps, int pe, int be, int *minorder, int *maxorder, int *shift, FTYPE(*shockindicator)[NBIGM], FTYPE *stiffindicator, FTYPE(*Vline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*Pline)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*df)[NUMDFS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*dP)[NBIGM], FTYPE(*etai)[NUMTRUEEOMSETS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*monoindicator)[NUMMONOINDICATORS][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yprim)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*ystecilvar)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[MAXSPACEORDER][NBIGM], struct of_trueijkp *trueijkp) |
Spatial Interpolation for fluxes based upon providing full 1D line information Instead of acting per point, this acts per line to improve memory efficiency.
Definition in file interpline.c.
below for shockindicator, stiffindicator, Pline, Vline, shift, minorder, maxorder
Definition at line 54 of file interpline.c.
below for drho,dP,etai
Definition at line 52 of file interpline.c.
Definition at line 49 of file interpline.c.
NPR2INTERP always larger than NPR, so can use one memory space for both c2e and others OPENMPMARK: Must define pointers and shift them within parallel region!
Definition at line 89 of file interpline.c.
NPR2INTERP always larger than NPR, so can use one memory space for both c2e and others.
Definition at line 27 of file interpline.c.
Definition at line 115 of file interpline.c.
For OpenMP must have different memory per thread, so why put inside parallel region However, allocating and deallocating these perijk() is very expensive, so moved back outside perijk() and pass related pointers.
OPENMPMARK: Still must allocate within parallel region! So place this within parallel region.
Definition at line 64 of file interpline.c.
#define LINETYPEDEFINESOTHER FTYPE a_youtpolycoef[1][1][1]; |
Definition at line 22 of file interpline.c.
Definition at line 159 of file interpline.c.
Definition at line 184 of file interpline.c.
shift pointers to account for boundary zones (similar to as in set_arrays.c)
Definition at line 135 of file interpline.c.
#define YINOUTMAC | ( | numypl, | |
pl, | |||
numywhich, | |||
which, | |||
numyi, | |||
i | |||
) | GEN3MAC(numypl,pl,numywhich,which,numyi,i) |
below to be used for yin, yout, yprim, ystencilvar that involve [NPR2INTERP][2][NBIGM] type arrays previously
Definition at line 57 of file interpline.c.
static |
Assign result of ENO operation to final array only care about how many outputs.
Definition at line 3990 of file interpline.c.
static |
Assign result of ENO operation to final array for c2e.
Definition at line 3939 of file interpline.c.
static |
below for shock indicator used on quantities with NPR elements
Assign result of ENO operation to final array for c2e.
Definition at line 3864 of file interpline.c.
static |
Figure out shifting of stencil and order of stencil to more closely match with causality (used for both c2e and other routines)
Definition at line 2801 of file interpline.c.
static |
real calculation. Gets derivatives of input function and passes this to various other function
Definition at line 3423 of file interpline.c.
static |
Gets df and ddf for MONO if mono will use different yin than computed in above compute_df_line() function.
Definition at line 3558 of file interpline.c.
static |
returns the improved pressure jump indicators
Definition at line 3593 of file interpline.c.
static |
real calculation.
Gets derivatives of input function and passes this to various other function Only what paraline needs [removed DFCENT2APART and DF2OFONESIDED calculations as compared to compute_df_line()]
Definition at line 3499 of file interpline.c.
static |
Get 1D line of data so can pass it to ENO scheme.
Definition at line 2574 of file interpline.c.
static |
Get 1D line of data so can pass it to ENO scheme (used for c2e only)
Definition at line 2369 of file interpline.c.
static |
below for an effective $^2$ of the flow (only hydro since does not include bsq!) SASMARK
Get 1D line of data so can pass it to ENO scheme (used for c2e only)
Definition at line 2465 of file interpline.c.
static |
c2e needed functions
Get 1D line of data so can pass it to ENO scheme (used for c2e only)
Definition at line 2248 of file interpline.c.
static |
Get 1D line of data so can pass it to ENO scheme.
Definition at line 2698 of file interpline.c.
static |
currently only sets density etai, rest are 0 GODMARK
Definition at line 3289 of file interpline.c.
static |
wrapper for compute_df_line and can be used by both c2e and other methods whichprimtype==ENOPRIMITIVE -> NPR2INTERP type else NPR types
Definition at line 1416 of file interpline.c.
static |
interior _perijk() functions:
wrapper for compute_df_line and can be used by both c2e and other methods
Definition at line 1475 of file interpline.c.
static |
wrapper for compute_df_line and can be used by both c2e and other methods
Definition at line 1541 of file interpline.c.
static |
get type of reconstruction to perform
Definition at line 1344 of file interpline.c.
static |
determine shock indicator (used for both c2e and other routines, only operates on quantities with NPR elements)
Definition at line 3138 of file interpline.c.
static |
determine shock indicator (used for both c2e and other routines, only operates on quantities with NPR elements)
Definition at line 2970 of file interpline.c.
static |
sets preferred order based upon scheme and size of stencil
Definition at line 1365 of file interpline.c.
void slope_lim_linetype | ( | int | whichquantity, |
int | interporflux, | ||
int | dir, | ||
int | idel, | ||
int | jdel, | ||
int | kdel, | ||
FTYPE(*) | primreal[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], | ||
FTYPE(*) | stencilvar[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], | ||
FTYPE(*) | p2interpm[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], | ||
FTYPE(*) | p2interpp[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], | ||
FTYPE(*) | pleft[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], | ||
FTYPE(*) | pright[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR] | ||
) |
linetype assumed to return pleft/pright directly since linetype's are usually higher order this function used for primitive interpolation AND for flux interpolation stencil var can be NULL or some pointer.
If a pointer, then should use to assign all stencil-related things
Definition at line 876 of file interpline.c.
void slope_lim_linetype_c2e | ( | int | realisinterp, |
int | whichprimtype, | ||
int | interporflux, | ||
int | dir, | ||
int | idel, | ||
int | jdel, | ||
int | kdel, | ||
FTYPE(*) | primreal[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], | ||
FTYPE(*) | stencilvar[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], | ||
FTYPE(*) | p2interp[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], | ||
FTYPE(*) | pleft[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP], | ||
FTYPE(*) | pright[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR2INTERP] | ||
) |
very similar to slope_lim_linetype, but different number of quantities to handle
Definition at line 302 of file interpline.c.
static |
interior of main SUPERGENLOOP() inside slope_lim_linetype_c2e()
Definition at line 638 of file interpline.c.
static |
interior of main SUPERGENLOOP() inside slope_lim_linetype_c2e()
Definition at line 467 of file interpline.c.
static |
inside of SUPERGENLOOP() in slope_lim_linetype()
Definition at line 1049 of file interpline.c.
static |
Definition at line 289 of file interpline.c.
static |
Definition at line 290 of file interpline.c.