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docs/eos/3.txt File Reference

Detailed Description

3) Running HARM with EOS/nu
Version 1 Created by Jonathan M. on 13 Jul 2009.
1) Get HARM, Make the EOS files (eosnew.dat, eosnew.head, eosdegennew.dat), Make the stellar model (stellar1.txt)
2) Set EOSN? in kazfulleos.global.h to be consistent with kazeos.loopparms.dek table size
3) Copy stellar1.txt to HARM directory
4) Copy (or link) eosnew.dat, eosnew.head, eosdegennew.dat to HARM directory. For example:
rm -rf eosnew.dat eosdegennew.dat eosnew.head eosextranew.dat eosextradegennew.dat eosextranew.head
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostablesuperye1_normaltable/eosnew.dat eosnew.dat
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostablesuperye1_normaltable/eosdegennew.dat eosdegennew.dat
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostablesuperye1_normaltable/eosnew.head eosnew.head
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostablesuperye1_neutrinotable/eosextranew.dat eosextranew.dat
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostablesuperye1_neutrinotable/eosextradegennew.dat eosextradegennew.dat
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostablesuperye1_neutrinotable/eosextranew.head eosextranew.head
rm -rf eossimplenew.dat eossimpledegennew.dat eossimplenew.head eossimpleextranew.dat eossimpleextradegennew.dat eossimpleextranew.head
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostableexpanded/eosnew.dat eossimplenew.dat
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostableexpanded/eosdegennew.dat eossimpledegennew.dat
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostableexpanded/eosnew.head eossimplenew.head
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostableexpanded/eosextranew.dat eossimpleextranew.dat
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostableexpanded/eosextradegennew.dat eossimpleextradegennew.dat
ln -s /data/jon/testfulleostableexpanded/eosextranew.head eossimpleextranew.head
rm -rf stellar1.txt
ln -s /data/jon/svngrbmodel/stellar1.txt .
5) In HARM directory, link to the correct problem type:
rm -rf init.c init.h bounds.c
ln -s initboundcode/init.grb.c init.c
ln -s initboundcode/init.grb.h init.h
ln -s initboundcode/bounds.grb.c bounds.c
6) Compile HARM as in the HARM instructions, but ensure that:
Run: "rmallsvndots" to remove any SVN implications
a) makehead.inc: USEOPENMP 0 # for now so can get debug tracking
b) makehead.inc: USEMPI 0 # for now in case segfaults will produce core dump
c) kazfulleos.global.h: #define ALLOWKAZEOS 1
d) kazfulleos.global.h:#define EOSN1,2,3,4,5 : Set as consistent with *.head table size
e) kazfulleos.global.h:#define ALLOWSIMPLETABLE 1
f) init.h: #define FULLOUTPUT 0
make superclean ; make prep ; make
7) Run code:
mkdir run ; rm -rf run/* ; cp grmhd run ; cd run
ln -s ../stellar1.txt .
ln -s ../eosnew.dat . ; ln -s ../eosnew.head . ; ln -s ../eosdegennew.dat .
ln -s ../eosextranew.dat . ; ln -s ../eosextranew.head . ; ln -s ../eosextradegennew.dat .
ln -s ../eossimplenew.dat . ; ln -s ../eossimplenew.head . ; ln -s ../eossimpledegennew.dat .
ln -s ../eossimpleextranew.dat . ; ln -s ../eossimpleextranew.head . ; ln -s ../eossimpleextradegennew.dat .
nohup ./grmhd &
8) Review 1D results in SM (assumes no entropy evolution since otherwise there are more variables):
jrdpallgrb 0000
# plot pressure:
pl 0 r p 1100
9) Load ener-type files
# surface and volume and dissipation type integrals
pl 0 t u0
# debug info in time as spatially integrated compared to debug???? dump files
pl 0 t eosfailt0
[In multi-D, gdump won't be outputted with dumps, so just ignore error related to no existing gdump???? file if doing multi-D problems.]
Currently code does NOT crash **
However, some things are probably wrong:
1) need to fix creation of BH
2) Evolution of ye and ynu needs checking

Definition in file 3.txt.