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global.funcdeclare.rad.h File Reference

Function declarations (used globally) from RADIATION parts of code. More...

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void mhdfull_calc_rad (FTYPE *pr, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, struct of_state *q, FTYPE(*radstressdir)[NDIM])
void mhd_calc_rad (FTYPE *pr, int dir, struct of_geom *geom, struct of_state *q, FTYPE *radstressdir, FTYPE *radstressdirabs)
 compute radiation stres-energy tensor assuming M1 closure More...
FTYPE my_min (FTYPE a, FTYPE b)
FTYPE my_sign (FTYPE x)
int calc_Rij (FTYPE *pp, FTYPE Rij[][4])
void koral_source_rad_calc (int computestate, int computeentropy, FTYPE *pr, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, FTYPE *Gdpl, FTYPE *Gdabspl, FTYPE *chi, FTYPE *Tgas, FTYPE *Trad, struct of_state *q)
 get 4-force for all pl's More...
int calc_rad_lambda (FTYPE *pp, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, struct of_state *q, FTYPE Tgas, FTYPE *lambda, FTYPE *nlambda, FTYPE *kappaemit, FTYPE *kappanemit)
void calc_Tandopacityandemission (FTYPE *pr, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, struct of_state *q, FTYPE Ruu, FTYPE gammaradgas, FTYPE B, FTYPE *Tgas, FTYPE *Tradff, FTYPE *nradff, FTYPE *expfactorff, FTYPE *kappa, FTYPE *kappan, FTYPE *kappaemit, FTYPE *kappanemit, FTYPE *kappaes, FTYPE *lambda, FTYPE *nlambda)
 get {abs} and {es} in /mass * rho = 1/cm form. More...
int prad_fforlab (int *whichvel, int *whichcoord, int whichdir, int i, int j, int k, int loc, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, FTYPE *pradffortho, FTYPE *pin, FTYPE *pout)
 radiative ortonormal ff primitives (E,F^i) <-> primitives in lab frame Used only for initial conditions whichvel: input vel type for U1-U3 whichcoord: input coord type for both U1-U3 and URAD1-URAD3 whichdir: LAB2FF or FF2LAB . More...
int prad_labtoff (int *whichvel, int *whichcoord, int i, int j, int k, int loc, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, FTYPE *pradffortho, FTYPE *pin, FTYPE *pout)
 like prad_fforlab() but for only whichdir=LAB2FF used for dumps or diags More...
int prad_fftolab (int *whichvel, int *whichcoord, int i, int j, int k, int loc, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, FTYPE *pradffortho, FTYPE *pin, FTYPE *pout)
 like prad_fforlab() but for only whichdir=FF2LAB used for IC More...
int whichfluid_ffrad_to_primeall (int *whichvel, int *whichcoordfluid, int *whichcoordrad, struct of_geom *ptrgeomprimecoords, FTYPE *pradffortho, FTYPE *pin, FTYPE *pout)
 Input: start with pin [with fluid in whichvel velocity and whichcoordfluid coordinates (PRIMECOORDS or MCOORD) and radiation as E,F in fluid frame orthonormal basis in whichcoordrad coordinates] Output: pout [with all WHICHVEL PRIMECOORDS and radiation using velocity primitive]. More...
int primefluid_EVrad_to_primeall (int *whichvel, int *whichcoord, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, FTYPE *pin, FTYPE *pout)
 for BCs, to take E[radiation frame] and u^i as radiation primitives in whichvel/whichcoord obtains WHICHVEL/PRIMECOORD primitives More...
int u2p_rad (int showmessages, int allowlocalfailurefixandnoreport, FTYPE gammamaxrad, int whichcap, FTYPE *uu, FTYPE *pp, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, PFTYPE *lpflag, PFTYPE *lpflagrad)
int get_state_uradconuradcovonly (FTYPE *pr, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, struct of_state *q)
 Get only u^ and u_ assumine b^ and b_ not used. More...
int vchar_rad (FTYPE *pr, struct of_state *q, int dir, struct of_geom *geom, FTYPE *cmax, FTYPE *cmin, FTYPE *cmax2, FTYPE *cmin2, int *ignorecourant)
 compute radiative characteristics as limited by opacity More...
int kappa_func_fits_all (FTYPE rho, FTYPE B, FTYPE Tg, FTYPE Tr, FTYPE varexpf, FTYPE *kappa, FTYPE *kappaemit, FTYPE *kappan, FTYPE *kappanemit, FTYPE *kappaes)
int calcfull_tautot (FTYPE *pp, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, FTYPE *tautot, FTYPE *tautotmax)
int calc_tautot (FTYPE *pp, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, struct of_state *q, FTYPE *tautot, FTYPE *tautotmax)
 calculates total opacity over dx[] More...
 nrad(T) = nrad=arad T^3/2.70118 (this is LTE only if put in T was gas T) More...
 nrad(E) More...
 E=urad=arad T^4 (this is LTE only if put in T was gas T) More...
 E=urad=arad T^4 and just solve for T (this is LTE only if assume resulting T is gas T). If put in fluid-frame E, then correct T for radiation in fluid frame. More...
FTYPE calc_LTE_Efromurho (FTYPE E, FTYPE)
 This will really give back only LTE E. More...
FTYPE calc_PEQ_ufromTrho (FTYPE, FTYPE)
 suplementary routines for conversions More...
FTYPE calc_PEQ_Tfromurho (FTYPE, FTYPE)
int set_ncon_velocity (int whichvel, FTYPE gammamax, FTYPE *ncon, struct of_geom *ptrgeom, FTYPE *uconwhichvel)
 set velocity based upon ncon and gammamax and return in whichvel format for the ptrgeom geometry/coords More...

Detailed Description

Function declarations (used globally) from RADIATION parts of code.

Definition in file global.funcdeclare.rad.h.

Function Documentation

FTYPE calc_LTE_EfromT ( FTYPE  )

E=urad=arad T^4 (this is LTE only if put in T was gas T)

Definition at line 14181 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FTYPE calc_LTE_Efromurho ( FTYPE  E,

This will really give back only LTE E.

Definition at line 14208 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FTYPE calc_LTE_NfromE ( FTYPE  E)


Definition at line 14194 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FTYPE calc_LTE_NfromT ( FTYPE  T)

nrad(T) = nrad=arad T^3/2.70118 (this is LTE only if put in T was gas T)

Definition at line 14188 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FTYPE calc_LTE_TfromE ( FTYPE  )

E=urad=arad T^4 and just solve for T (this is LTE only if assume resulting T is gas T). If put in fluid-frame E, then correct T for radiation in fluid frame.

Definition at line 14201 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FTYPE calc_PEQ_Tfromurho ( FTYPE  ,

Definition at line 14174 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FTYPE calc_PEQ_ufromTrho ( FTYPE  ,

suplementary routines for conversions

Definition at line 14166 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int calc_rad_lambda ( FTYPE pp,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
struct of_state q,
FTYPE  Tgas,
FTYPE lambda,
FTYPE nlambda,
FTYPE kappaemit,
FTYPE kappanemit 
int calc_Rij ( FTYPE pp,
FTYPE  Rij[][4] 
void calc_Tandopacityandemission ( FTYPE pr,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
struct of_state q,
FTYPE  gammaradgas,
FTYPE Tradff,
FTYPE nradff,
FTYPE expfactorradff,
FTYPE kappa,
FTYPE kappan,
FTYPE kappaemit,
FTYPE kappanemit,
FTYPE kappaes,
FTYPE lambda,
FTYPE nlambda 

get {abs} and {es} in /mass * rho = 1/cm form.

energy density loss rate integrated over frequency and solid angle

Definition at line 10442 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int calc_tautot ( FTYPE pp,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
struct of_state q,
FTYPE tautot,
FTYPE tautotmax 

calculates total opacity over dx[]

Definition at line 14147 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int calcfull_tautot ( FTYPE pp,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
FTYPE tautot,
FTYPE tautotmax 

Definition at line 14136 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int get_state_uradconuradcovonly ( FTYPE pr,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
struct of_state q 

Get only u^ and u_ assumine b^ and b_ not used.

Definition at line 11096 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int kappa_func_fits_all ( FTYPE  rho,
FTYPE  varexpf,
FTYPE kappa,
FTYPE kappaemit,
FTYPE kappan,
FTYPE kappanemit,
FTYPE kappaes 

kappaes = sigma_T n_e = sigma_T n_b (n_e/n_b) = sigma_T rho/mb (ne/nb)

kappaes = sigma_T n_e = sigma_T n_b (n_e/n_b) = sigma_T rho/mb (ne/nb)

Definition at line 9646 of file init.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void koral_source_rad_calc ( int  computestate,
int  computeentropy,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
FTYPE Gdabspl,
FTYPE chi,
struct of_state q 

get 4-force for all pl's

Definition at line 10568 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void mhd_calc_rad ( FTYPE pr,
int  dir,
struct of_geom geom,
struct of_state q,
FTYPE radstressdir,
FTYPE radstressdirabs 

compute radiation stres-energy tensor assuming M1 closure

Definition at line 11124 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void mhdfull_calc_rad ( FTYPE pr,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
struct of_state q,
FTYPE(*)  radstressdir[NDIM] 

Definition at line 11111 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

FTYPE my_min ( FTYPE  a,

Definition at line 11239 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

FTYPE my_sign ( FTYPE  x)

Definition at line 11245 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

int prad_fforlab ( int *  whichvel,
int *  whichcoord,
int  whichdir,
int  i,
int  j,
int  k,
int  loc,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
FTYPE pradffortho,
FTYPE pin,
FTYPE pout 

radiative ortonormal ff primitives (E,F^i) <-> primitives in lab frame Used only for initial conditions whichvel: input vel type for U1-U3 whichcoord: input coord type for both U1-U3 and URAD1-URAD3 whichdir: LAB2FF or FF2LAB .

In addition, here lab means HARM-lab different by alpha factor from true lab. i,j,k,loc = standard grid location ptrgeom: any input geometry for the lab frame (ptrgeom could be from MCOORD, PRIMECOORDS, etc.) (same for pin's velocity as well as orthonormal basis) If ptrgeom==NULL, then use i,j,k,loc to get geometry in whichcoord coordinates pradffortho: radiation primitives (PRAD0-3) should be fluid-frame orthonormal basis values (i.e. E,F in fluid frame orthonormal basis) pin: inputs for primitives (i.e. whichvel for U1-U3 and whichcoord for U1-U3,URAD1-URAD3) pout: outputs for primitives ("")

Definition at line 11432 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int prad_fftolab ( int *  whichvel,
int *  whichcoord,
int  i,
int  j,
int  k,
int  loc,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
FTYPE pradffortho,
FTYPE pin,
FTYPE pout 

like prad_fforlab() but for only whichdir=FF2LAB used for IC

Definition at line 11526 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int prad_labtoff ( int *  whichvel,
int *  whichcoord,
int  i,
int  j,
int  k,
int  loc,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
FTYPE pradffortho,
FTYPE pin,
FTYPE pout 

like prad_fforlab() but for only whichdir=LAB2FF used for dumps or diags

Definition at line 11448 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int primefluid_EVrad_to_primeall ( int *  whichvel,
int *  whichcoord,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
FTYPE pin,
FTYPE pout 

for BCs, to take E[radiation frame] and u^i as radiation primitives in whichvel/whichcoord obtains WHICHVEL/PRIMECOORD primitives

Definition at line 11684 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int set_ncon_velocity ( int  whichvel,
FTYPE  gammamax,
FTYPE ncon,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
FTYPE uconwhichvel 

set velocity based upon ncon and gammamax and return in whichvel format for the ptrgeom geometry/coords

Definition at line 14217 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int u2p_rad ( int  showmessages,
int  allowlocalfailurefixandnoreport,
FTYPE  gammamaxrad,
int  whichcap,
struct of_geom ptrgeom,
PFTYPE lpflag,
PFTYPE lpflagrad 

Definition at line 11984 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int vchar_rad ( FTYPE pr,
struct of_state q,
int  dir,
struct of_geom geom,
FTYPE cmax,
FTYPE cmin,
FTYPE cmax2,
FTYPE cmin2,
int *  ignorecourant 

compute radiative characteristics as limited by opacity

Definition at line 10975 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int whichfluid_ffrad_to_primeall ( int *  whichvel,
int *  whichcoordfluid,
int *  whichcoordrad,
struct of_geom ptrgeomprimecoords,
FTYPE pradffortho,
FTYPE pin,
FTYPE pout 

Input: start with pin [with fluid in whichvel velocity and whichcoordfluid coordinates (PRIMECOORDS or MCOORD) and radiation as E,F in fluid frame orthonormal basis in whichcoordrad coordinates] Output: pout [with all WHICHVEL PRIMECOORDS and radiation using velocity primitive].

Useful for BCs when have (say) VEL3,MCOORD for fluid velocity as well as E,F in ff for radiation and need normal WHICHVEL PRIMECOORDS fluid velocity as well as normal velocity primitive for radiation

Definition at line 11729 of file phys.tools.rad.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: