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bounds.koral.c File Reference

User Boundary conditions. More...

#include "decs.h"
#include "reconstructeno.h"
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int bound_x1dn_radbeamflatinflow (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 Koral specific physical boundary conditions. More...
int bound_radbeam2dbeaminflow (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X3 lower for radiation beam injection. More...
int bound_radbeam2dflowinflow (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 upper for inflow. More...
int bound_radshadowinflow (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 lower for beam injection to create shadow. More...
int bound_radatmbeaminflow (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 lower and upper for RADATM. More...
int bound_radwallinflow (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 lower and upper X2. More...
int bound_radbondiinflow (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 upper for inflow. More...
int bound_raddot (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 on-grid bounding More...
int bound_radnt (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 RADNT. More...
int bound_x1dn_cylaxis (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 inner CYLAXIS. More...
int bound_x1up_radcylbeam (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 upper for RADCYLBEAM. More...
int bound_radbeam2dksvertbeaminflow (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X2 upper for radiation beam injection. More...
int bound_radcylbeamcart (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 all boundaries for RADCYLBEAMCART More...
int bound_staticset (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 upper and lower static. More...
int bound_waldmono (int dir, int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 WALDMONO. More...
static int bound_prim_user_general (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int ispstag, int *dirprim, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR])
 user boundary routine More...
int bound_prim_user_dir (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR])
int bound_pstag_user_dir (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR])
 assume single user function takes care of primitive locations More...
int apply_bc_line (int nprlocalstart, int nprlocalend, int *nprlocallist, int doinverse, int iterdir, int recontype, int bs, int be, FTYPE(*yin)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*yout)[2][NBIGM], FTYPE(*youtpolycoef)[MAXSPACEORDER][NBIGM])
 see interpline.c More...
int flip_y (int nprlocalstart, int nprlocalend, int *nprlocallist, int iterdir, int recontype, int bs, int be, FTYPE(*y)[2][NBIGM])
int bound_x1up_radcyljet (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X1 upper for RADCYLJET. More...
int bound_x2dn_radcyljet (int boundstage, int finalstep, SFTYPE boundtime, int whichdir, int boundvartype, int *dirprim, int ispstag, FTYPE(*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], int *inboundloop, int *outboundloop, int *innormalloop, int *outnormalloop, int(*inoutlohi)[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM], int riin, int riout, int rjin, int rjout, int rkin, int rkout, int *dosetbc, int enerregion, int *localenerpos)
 X2 lower for RADCYLJET. More...
int get_radcylbeamcart (int dir, int *dirprim, int ispstag, int ri, int rj, int rk, int i, int j, int k, FTYPE *prref, FTYPE *pr)

Detailed Description

User Boundary conditions.

Also calls general/frequently-used functions in bounds.tools.c

Definition in file bounds.koral.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


Function Documentation

int apply_bc_line ( int  nprlocalstart,
int  nprlocalend,
int *  nprlocallist,
int  doinverse,
int  iterdir,
int  recontype,
int  bs,
int  be,
FTYPE(*)  yin[2][NBIGM],
FTYPE(*)  yout[2][NBIGM],

see interpline.c

Definition at line 654 of file bounds.koral.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int bound_prim_user_dir ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,

Definition at line 228 of file bounds.koral.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int bound_prim_user_general ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int  ispstag,
int *  dirprim,

user boundary routine

Definition at line 293 of file bounds.koral.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int bound_pstag_user_dir ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,

assume single user function takes care of primitive locations

Definition at line 252 of file bounds.koral.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int bound_radatmbeaminflow ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 lower and upper for RADATM.

int bound_radbeam2dbeaminflow ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X3 lower for radiation beam injection.

int bound_radbeam2dflowinflow ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 upper for inflow.

int bound_radbeam2dksvertbeaminflow ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X2 upper for radiation beam injection.

int bound_radbondiinflow ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 upper for inflow.

int bound_radcylbeamcart ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

all boundaries for RADCYLBEAMCART

int bound_raddot ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

on-grid bounding

int bound_radnt ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 


int bound_radshadowinflow ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 lower for beam injection to create shadow.

int bound_radwallinflow ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 lower and upper X2.

int bound_staticset ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 upper and lower static.

int bound_waldmono ( int  dir,
int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 


int bound_x1dn_cylaxis ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 inner CYLAXIS.

int bound_x1dn_radbeamflatinflow ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

Koral specific physical boundary conditions.

X1 lower for radiation beam injection

int bound_x1up_radcylbeam ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 upper for RADCYLBEAM.

int bound_x1up_radcyljet ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X1 upper for RADCYLJET.

Definition at line 3051 of file bounds.koral.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int bound_x2dn_radcyljet ( int  boundstage,
int  finalstep,
SFTYPE  boundtime,
int  whichdir,
int  boundvartype,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int *  inboundloop,
int *  outboundloop,
int *  innormalloop,
int *  outnormalloop,
int(*)  inoutlohi[NUMUPDOWN][NDIM],
int  riin,
int  riout,
int  rjin,
int  rjout,
int  rkin,
int  rkout,
int *  dosetbc,
int  enerregion,
int *  localenerpos 

X2 lower for RADCYLJET.

Definition at line 3198 of file bounds.koral.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int flip_y ( int  nprlocalstart,
int  nprlocalend,
int *  nprlocallist,
int  iterdir,
int  recontype,
int  bs,
int  be,
FTYPE(*)  y[2][NBIGM] 

Definition at line 673 of file bounds.koral.c.

int get_radcylbeamcart ( int  dir,
int *  dirprim,
int  ispstag,
int  ri,
int  rj,
int  rk,
int  i,
int  j,
int  k,
FTYPE prref,

Definition at line 3830 of file bounds.koral.c.

Here is the call graph for this function: