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transforms.c File Reference

Coordinate and frame transformation functions. More...

#include "decs.h"
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#define bl2ks_trans00   (1)
#define bl2ks_trans01   (2.*r/(r*r - 2.*r + a*a))
#define bl2ks_trans02   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans03   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans10   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans11   (1)
#define bl2ks_trans12   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans13   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans20   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans21   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans22   (1)
#define bl2ks_trans23   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans30   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans31   (a/(r*r - 2.*r + a*a))
#define bl2ks_trans32   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans33   (1)
#define ks2bl_trans00   (1)
#define ks2bl_trans01   (-2.*r/(r*r - 2.*r + a*a))
#define ks2bl_trans02   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans03   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans10   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans11   (1)
#define ks2bl_trans12   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans13   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans20   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans21   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans22   (1)
#define ks2bl_trans23   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans30   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans31   (-a/(r*r - 2.*r + a*a))
#define ks2bl_trans32   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans33   (1)
#define LOGDENSITY   1


int bl2met2metp2v (int whichvel, int whichcoord, FTYPE *pr, int ii, int jj, int kk)
 assumes all centered quantities (so for FLUXB==FLUXCTSTAG assumes operates on centered field versions) More...
int bl2met2metp2v_genloc (int whichvel, int whichcoord, FTYPE *pr, int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc)
 converts whichvel/whichcoord velocity to WHICHVEL/(->MCOORD->PRIMECOORDS) converts field too More...
int bl2met2metp2v_genloc_fieldonly (int whichvel, int whichcoord, FTYPE *pr, int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc)
 converts field only and otherwise like normal function More...
int ucov_whichcoord2primecoords (int whichcoord, int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE *ucov)
 converts u_ in whichcoord to PRIMECOORDS More...
int bl2met2metp2v_gen (int whichvel, int whichcoord, int newwhichvel, int newwhichcoord, FTYPE *pr, int ii, int jj, int kk)
 converts whichvel/whichcoord velocity to WHICHVEL/MCOORD More...
int metp2met2bl (int whichvel, int whichcoord, FTYPE *pr, int ii, int jj, int kk)
 transform MCOORD prime primitive velocity to whichcoord whichvel velocity (also converts field) More...
int metp2met2bl_genloc (int whichvel, int whichcoord, FTYPE *pr, int ii, int jj, int kk, int pos)
 transform MCOORD prime primitive velocity to whichcoord whichvel velocity (also converts field) More...
int coordtrans (int whichcoordin, int whichcoordout, int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE *ucon)
 whichcoordin -> whichcoordout More...
void bltoks_trans (int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE(*bl2ks)[NDIM])
void bltoks (int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE *ucon)
void bltoks_ucov (int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE *ucov)
void kstobl_trans (int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE(*ks2bl)[NDIM])
void kstobl (int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE *ucon)
void transV2Vmetric (int whichcoord, int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE ROTANGLE, FTYPE *X, FTYPE *V, FTYPE *Xmetric, FTYPE *Vmetric, FTYPE *gcov, FTYPE *gcovpert)
 transformation of metric written in V[X]-type coordinates with dV differentials to one written in Vmetric old/original coordinates with dVmetric original/old differentials More...
void transVmetrictoV (int whichcoord, int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE ROTANGLE, FTYPE *X, FTYPE *V, FTYPE *Xmetric, FTYPE *Vmetric, FTYPE *gcov, FTYPE *gcovpert)
 transformation of metric written in Vmetric-type coordinates with dVmetric differentials to one written in V[X] coordinates with dVdifferentials More...
void transVmetrictoV_ucov (FTYPE ROTANGLE, FTYPE *Vmetric, FTYPE *ucov)
 Transform u_ from Vmetric form (where z-axis is BH spin axis) to V form [tilted BH spin axis]. More...
void transVmetrictoV_trans (FTYPE ROTANGLE, FTYPE *Vmetric, FTYPE(*trans)[NDIM])
 transformation of metric written in Vmetric-type coordinates with dVmetric differentials to one written in V[X] coordinates with dVdifferentials More...
void mettometp (int ii, int jj, int kk, FTYPE *ucon)
void mettometp_genloc (int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE *ucon)
 MCOORD -> prime MCOORD. More...
void metptomet (int ii, int jj, int kk, FTYPE *ucon)
void metptomet_genloc (int ii, int jj, int kk, int loc, FTYPE *ucon)
 prime MCOORD -> MCOORD for u^ More...
void metptomet_Tud (int ii, int jj, int kk, FTYPE(*Tud)[NDIM])
 prime MCOORD -> MCOORD for T^ More...
void metptomet_simple_Tud (FTYPE(*dxdxp)[NDIM], FTYPE(*idxdxp)[NDIM], FTYPE(*Tud)[NDIM])
 prime MCOORD -> MCOORD feed in coordinate dependent quantities instead of computing them useful when wanting to speep up calculation when calling function needs dxdxp and/or idxdxp More...
int vcon2pr (int whichvel, FTYPE *vcon, struct of_geom *geom, FTYPE *pr)
 convert 3-velocity to whichvel velocity More...
void density2pr (FTYPE *density, FTYPE *pr)
 make sure both of these are setup so density could be same memory location as pr More...
void pr2density (FTYPE *pr, FTYPE *density)
 note that we have to have inverses for this to work in general, numerical inverses probably bad idea? More...

Detailed Description

Coordinate and frame transformation functions.

Definition in file transforms.c.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define bl2ks_trans00   (1)
#define bl2ks_trans01   (2.*r/(r*r - 2.*r + a*a))
#define bl2ks_trans02   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans03   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans10   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans11   (1)
#define bl2ks_trans12   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans13   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans20   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans21   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans22   (1)
#define bl2ks_trans23   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans30   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans31   (a/(r*r - 2.*r + a*a))
#define bl2ks_trans32   (0)
#define bl2ks_trans33   (1)

Definition at line 1001 of file transforms.c.

#define ks2bl_trans00   (1)
#define ks2bl_trans01   (-2.*r/(r*r - 2.*r + a*a))
#define ks2bl_trans02   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans03   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans10   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans11   (1)
#define ks2bl_trans12   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans13   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans20   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans21   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans22   (1)
#define ks2bl_trans23   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans30   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans31   (-a/(r*r - 2.*r + a*a))
#define ks2bl_trans32   (0)
#define ks2bl_trans33   (1)
#define LOGDENSITY   1

Definition at line 999 of file transforms.c.


Definition at line 998 of file transforms.c.

Function Documentation

int bl2met2metp2v ( int  whichvel,
int  whichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk 

assumes all centered quantities (so for FLUXB==FLUXCTSTAG assumes operates on centered field versions)

Definition at line 17 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int bl2met2metp2v_gen ( int  whichvel,
int  whichcoord,
int  newwhichvel,
int  newwhichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk 

converts whichvel/whichcoord velocity to WHICHVEL/MCOORD

Definition at line 189 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int bl2met2metp2v_genloc ( int  whichvel,
int  whichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc 

converts whichvel/whichcoord velocity to WHICHVEL/(->MCOORD->PRIMECOORDS) converts field too

Definition at line 30 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int bl2met2metp2v_genloc_fieldonly ( int  whichvel,
int  whichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc 

converts field only and otherwise like normal function

Definition at line 102 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void bltoks ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE ucon 

Definition at line 427 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bltoks_trans ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE(*)  bl2ks[NDIM] 

Definition at line 368 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void bltoks_ucov ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE ucov 

Definition at line 448 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int coordtrans ( int  whichcoordin,
int  whichcoordout,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE ucon 

whichcoordin -> whichcoordout

Definition at line 346 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void density2pr ( FTYPE density,

make sure both of these are setup so density could be same memory location as pr

Definition at line 1005 of file transforms.c.

void kstobl ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE ucon 

Definition at line 529 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void kstobl_trans ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE(*)  ks2bl[NDIM] 

Definition at line 470 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int metp2met2bl ( int  whichvel,
int  whichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk 

transform MCOORD prime primitive velocity to whichcoord whichvel velocity (also converts field)

Definition at line 258 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int metp2met2bl_genloc ( int  whichvel,
int  whichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  pos 

transform MCOORD prime primitive velocity to whichcoord whichvel velocity (also converts field)

Definition at line 269 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void metptomet ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
FTYPE ucon 

Definition at line 833 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void metptomet_genloc ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE ucon 

prime MCOORD -> MCOORD for u^

Definition at line 843 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void metptomet_simple_Tud ( FTYPE(*)  dxdxp[NDIM],
FTYPE(*)  idxdxp[NDIM],
FTYPE(*)  Tud[NDIM] 

prime MCOORD -> MCOORD feed in coordinate dependent quantities instead of computing them useful when wanting to speep up calculation when calling function needs dxdxp and/or idxdxp

Definition at line 914 of file transforms.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void metptomet_Tud ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
FTYPE(*)  Tud[NDIM] 

prime MCOORD -> MCOORD for T^

Definition at line 890 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void mettometp ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
FTYPE ucon 

Definition at line 762 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void mettometp_genloc ( int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE ucon 


Definition at line 772 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void pr2density ( FTYPE pr,
FTYPE density 

note that we have to have inverses for this to work in general, numerical inverses probably bad idea?

Definition at line 1019 of file transforms.c.

void transV2Vmetric ( int  whichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE Xmetric,
FTYPE Vmetric,
FTYPE gcov,
FTYPE gcovpert 

transformation of metric written in V[X]-type coordinates with dV differentials to one written in Vmetric old/original coordinates with dVmetric original/old differentials

This is not used in metric.c to rotate metric This would only be used to transform V[X] metric to old/original Vmetric=rold,hold,phold

Definition at line 554 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void transVmetrictoV ( int  whichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE Xmetric,
FTYPE Vmetric,
FTYPE gcov,
FTYPE gcovpert 

transformation of metric written in Vmetric-type coordinates with dVmetric differentials to one written in V[X] coordinates with dVdifferentials

This is what's used to take original metric from set_gcov and get the one with new differentials based upon V[X]

Definition at line 616 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void transVmetrictoV_trans ( FTYPE  ROTANGLE,
FTYPE Vmetric,
FTYPE(*)  trans[NDIM] 

transformation of metric written in Vmetric-type coordinates with dVmetric differentials to one written in V[X] coordinates with dVdifferentials

This is what's used to take original metric from set_gcov and get the one with new differentials based upon V[X] Generate trans[mu][nu] = T^mu[Vmetric]_nu[V] Such that g_{mup nup} = g_{mu nu} T^mu_mup T^nu_nup

Definition at line 683 of file transforms.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void transVmetrictoV_ucov ( FTYPE  ROTANGLE,
FTYPE Vmetric,
FTYPE ucov 

Transform u_ from Vmetric form (where z-axis is BH spin axis) to V form [tilted BH spin axis].

Definition at line 649 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ucov_whichcoord2primecoords ( int  whichcoord,
int  ii,
int  jj,
int  kk,
int  loc,
FTYPE ucov 

converts u_ in whichcoord to PRIMECOORDS

Definition at line 153 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int vcon2pr ( int  whichvel,
FTYPE vcon,
struct of_geom geom,

convert 3-velocity to whichvel velocity

Definition at line 950 of file transforms.c.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: